
Liebe Modellbauer,

Vielen Dank für ihr großes Interesse an unseren Modellen. Wir hoffen, dass sie in unserer Produktpalette immer viel Interessantes finden. Für uns ist es immer eine Freude, Worte der Dankbarkeit und Anerkennung für unsere Produkte zu lesen. Aber natürlich ist es ebenso wichtig, auch kritische Bemerkungen aufmerksam zu lesen und ihre Wünsche zu kennen. Danke für die vielen interessanten Vorschläge – wir lesen sie alle mit großer Aufmerksamkeit. Viele ihrer Vorschläge haben wir bereits in unseren Modellen umgesetzt und wir planen dies auch in Zukunft zu tun. Vielen Dank für Ihre kreativen Vorschläge und Ideen. Unser Anliegen ist es, Modelle zu produzieren, die Sie interessieren. Wir produzieren für Modellbauer wie Sie.


  1. Emir Yener 32

    Dear MiniArt staff, you are doing an amazing job ! Your 1/35 buildings and 1/16 injection figures help rather small budget modelers like me a lot. I don't even mention the versatiliy and and easy to work advantages of the injection molded figures. I'd like to cite, with your permission, what I would like to see more on the 1/16 range.

    1) A Prussian/German infantry soldier with the choice of either 1870 franco-german war or 1914-16 first half of the great war. There is virtually no difference between the pattern of uniforms except the collars. The avaliability of a stand-up collar and fall-down collar as a separate piece can settle the matter. all else is just a difference of equipment details (Chiefly the rifle, ammunition pouches and a covered or not-covered pickelhaube) A separate version from the basic torso may be a Stormtrooper.

    2) A Russian infantry soldier in greatcoat but with the greatcoat front fully closed; so the figure can be optioned both for 1914-18 and 1941-45.

    3) More of Napoleonic range ! A hussar to company your incoming and doubtlessly magnificent cuirassier; two basic torsos of infantrymen: one with ordinary habit-veste of long tails, other with a greatcoat, so we will have immense choices of conversion.

    4) A pikeman and an harquebusier to company the muskeeters.

    Keep Up the good work ! I will continue to buy and build your products at every opportunity !

  2. Wayne Killeen 29

    Would you consider going in the direction of 1/35 British Armoured and Scout Cars???? Nobody else makes them!!

  3. bebson 28

    москва как много в этом звуке
    для сердца"русского" слилось,
    как много в нём отозвалось..
    с наилудшими пожеланиями…

  4. Brian Sturm 27

    I am very well pleased with your products, but would like to see some hand to hand combat with that transpired on the Eastern Front.

  5. Felix Spuhler 26

    helo MiniArt,
    congratulations for your excellent plastic models, particularly the figures in 1:35 scale! I realy love this not daily poses of them! I want more of them.


  6. Hisham 25

    First, I want to say how much I love your products. Esprcially the 1/35 scale figures and buildings. I just have a couple of comments/suggestions.

    1. There is a huge demand for allied vehicles since, as you can see, the larger manufacturers like Dragon focus almost only on German subjects. So If you make more allied vehicles you will be filling a huge gap in the hobby in 1/35 scale.. both vehicles and figures.

    2. Since you make 1/35 scale buildings for dioramas, I'd like to tell you that there is a huge demand for civilian subjects in that scale, both figures and vehicles. Maybe you can have a comi-kit which would comtain a building plus one civilian car plus one or two civilian figures. Dioramas look more real when they have civilian subjects in them.

    3. You might want to make some smaller sized buildings, as the ones you have, although very beautiful, require the diorama to be really big. So, how about something like just a corner(2 walls) or some building fronts so that a modeller can build a series of building fronts to make a lone street diorama.

    4. How about some modern subjects, both figures and buildings. The Iraq subject is becoming more and more popular with modellers and some mid-east buildings and figures would be great and also there is a huge demand for them.

    Finally.. Again, I love your stuff. Hope you take some of my ideas into consideration. And maybe you can have one of your employees check modelling sites like armorama.com and interact with modellers to get an idea of what there is a demand for.

    Looking forward to your future releases.

  7. Josh Willson 24

    I just purchased a couple of your 1:16 kits. All I can say is WOW! Fantastic sculpts,great detail! I`m looking forward to hours of fun. Thankyou for puting out such a great product.

  8. tankist 23

    Прясните, пожалуйста ситуацию. На сайте Терри Эшли написано, что восточно-прусский дом будет идти с бонусом – набором фигурок от Дрэгона, а на Вашем сайте про это ни сказано ни слова. Бонус предусматривается только для заграницы или это просто ошибка?

  9. Regan Uy 22

    Incredible.Just came across your site and the model kits you offer are outstanding.Hope your product is offered here in the Philippines.

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