



  1. Max 359


    I like your kits! But I´d like to have a kit about Sicily 1943. US Paratroopers (82d AB) would be so cool! -OR Japanese Infantry at Peleliu 1944/ Guadalcanal 1942 would be great also! hope you think about that 🙂

  2. Dangelo van der Pol 358

    there is no modeling company manufacturing them
    and i know there a lot of modelers who would like to build the battle for the low countries
    please take it into consideration
    kind regards Dangelo

  3. Кирилл 357

    Не планируется ли выпуск Газ-64/67?
    Проработки по БА-64 ведь уже есть.
    Подобные старые модели совершенно неподобающего качества.

  4. Игорь 356

    Хотел бы посоветовать вам выпустить пилотов ВМВ “в кабине” (сидящих, стоящих, лежащих) в 1:72, т.к. таких днем огнем не найдешь (у Revell были немцы и RAF, но и их не найти сейчас), сам сейчас не знаю, где брать.
    Так что набор будет востребованным точно.

  5. Александр 355

    Здравствуйте! Спасибо за отличные модели и неизбитые темы! Хочу предложить еще одну-Холмские ворота Брестской крепости и пограничников идущих в контратаку. Посмотрел фильм-навеяло… И обязательно бегущую овчарку! Спасибо!

  6. Chris Bryant 354

    I would like to see a hut,a cabin;whatever the word is to describe a building for the eastern front like the one on the cover of Dragon 6402.

  7. Robert Potter 353

    Please consider making a wrought iron spiral staircase for your building kits. Some of us model interiors, and such a circular staircase would be very useful, especially in Western European urban buildings. Your exterior iron staircases gave you some practice.

    I am still waiting patiently for some Finnish figures: tank crew and infantry perhaps?

    Otherwise keep up the excellent work. Yopur products are first class.

  8. Paul 352

    Hello your 1:16 figures are very nice,when will be ready the figure of french grenadier?

  9. Tom turschmann 351

    With all of the German & Russian tank crews at work. How about some American tankers at work???

  10. Al Crawford 350

    With everybody having released kits of the Neubaufahrzeug, how about a Norwegian building or two for dioramas? The architecture and colors that were used to paint them are quite distinctively Norwegian.


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