



  1. Corrado Laccetti 164228

    Dear Miniart, I am forty years old, born in 1980. I have been building the models since I was fifteen. Maybe I won’t be a very experienced model maker but not even a beginner. Best regards Corrado

  2. Corrado Laccetti 164169

    I bought the T 70 Miniart months ago. The body of the wagon I managed to build and also the turret and rollers. The tracks were weak and broke often. I bought the Workable tracks. The same result I could not build them at all.

  3. Corrado Laccetti 164058

    Dear Miniart, my comment is not an offense to your work but is to encourage you to improve the quality of your good work. Accessories such as: barrels, bottles, bullets are very well done. The toy soldiers are well made and I really like them. Best regards Corrado

  4. Corrado Laccetti 163798

    I’m sorry I bought the Dingo Mk IB I started building it while I was removing the pieces from the cart, they broke because they were thin. I tried to continue to build it but nothing. I’m sorry because the subject is beautiful and nobody but you does.

  5. Corrado Laccetti 163772

    Dear Miniart, I specify the problem in my opinion. The plastics of all vehicles from wagons to trucks that you produce have weak economic plastics, which break immediately upon detaching or directly break the pieces this has often happened to me and I am sorry.

  6. Corrado Laccetti 163754

    I will always continue to buy your beautiful products. Corrado

  7. Corrado Laccetti 163752

    Good morning Miniart, your subjects are very beautiful: Tractors, cars, tanks, tank engines, trucks etc. etc. You do different things from other companies. The problem in my opinion is the plastic you use which is too weak and often breaks. It would take a more robust plastic and robust photo engravings. The heads of the toy soldiers should be better sculpted and bigger to paint them better. Best regards Corrado Italy

  8. Владимир 152924

    И ещё раз – здравствуйте! Я в полном восторге от ассортимента железнодорожного подвижного состава. Есть и вагоны, и платформы…Нет только одного, и на мой взгляд, самого главного. Того, что всё это тянет. ПАРОВОЗИК БЫ “Ов”ечку. Он ведь на любое время годен. От начала прошлого века и аж до пятидесятых годов. Тем более, что паровозная бригада ( пусть и немецкая, хотя у работяг в одежде разница не велика, что русские, что немецкие, что 1914, что 1945 ) у Вас уже есть.

  9. Владимир 152919

    Здравствуйте! Огромное спасибо за линейку “Остинов”.НО…Зная Вашу тенденцию к выпуску всего, что изображено на артбоксе , хотелось бы узнать, а не планируете ли Вы добавить к петлюровскому броневику ещё и конных гайдамаков, изображённых на заднем плане. А уж если фантазировать по полной программе, то и будёновцев РККА, и анархистов махновцев, и драгун РИА на ПМВ, и казаков ВСЮР…

  10. Robbie 149687

    Such a good place to see good quality models and tools, as well as sizes and equipment for some of the best build that are around. Please bring out lots more !


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