Гостьова Книга

Шановні моделісти,

Дякуємо за такий великий інтерес до наших моделей. Ми сподіваємось, що Ви завжди знайдете багато цікавого для Вас у наших продуктах. Нам завжди приємно читати ваши відгуки. І звичайно, для нас дуже важливо прочитати всі ваші критичні зауваження та побажання. І дякуємо за безліч цікавих пропозицій. Ми всі їх читаємо з великою увагою. Багато ваших пропозицій вже втілено в наших моделях, і ми плануємо робити це і в майбутньому. Для нас головне – створювати моделі, які будуть цікаві Вам.
Ми створюємо для Вас.

1 000 comments

  1. Tony 197

    Built my first kit, farm house great kit will be buying more. Where can I get farm tools,carts,etc,from. Or will you be bringing some out?

  2. bernhard 196

    It would be great if you could release some of your buildings in 1/48

  3. Александр 195

    Огромное спасибо за всю серию танков: Т-70, Т-80, СУ-76… Но когда же будет выпущен СОВЕТСКИЙ АРТИЛЛЕРИЙСКИЙ ТЯГАЧ Я-12?… все ждем и ждем…

  4. Maurice 194

    I encourage you to create a serie of modern figures.

  5. Mark Borg 193


    I think it is a good idea to increase your range of historical figures 1:16.thye are of a very good quality

  6. santi 192

    Hi to everyone. Great job with all items. i bought some of them, buildings and figures.
    I would like to know idf in the future you will make Arnhem (Belgian) small and low houses.Arnhem city had a lot ww2 action by the nd of he war in 1944. There, british and american troops failed taking Arnhem´s bridge in german hands. good luck.

  7. Juju 191

    I love miniart. I am impressed with your works! Finally someone filled the gap. I am enthusiastic about the Heroes of the Soviet Union, in their working, at rest, walking, and fighting postures. We have seen too much about the germans from other brands. You are the Heroes who put an enormous effort to give the reputation for others. Please, create much more tools from the soviet eastern front. We would also much like to see the Heros of Hisbullah from Lebanon. Their Kornets, Katyushas, Raad, and Sagr missiles.

  8. jafo 190

    These in 1/48th scale would be most welcome

  9. Trevor 189

    Great website and easy to navigate! The painting guide with weathering tips is very helpful as is the gallery. I would love to see some North Africa dioramas added to your collection in the near future and also a kit that includes collapsed flooring / beams etc for the 2 storey buildings. Keep up the good work.

  10. Thierry 188

    Continuez à nous proposer des figurines aux attitudes originales. Pourquoi ne pas inclure sur le site un guide de peinture des figurines car celui des batiments est remarquable.

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