Гостьова Книга

Шановні моделісти,

Дякуємо за такий великий інтерес до наших моделей. Ми сподіваємось, що Ви завжди знайдете багато цікавого для Вас у наших продуктах. Нам завжди приємно читати ваши відгуки. І звичайно, для нас дуже важливо прочитати всі ваші критичні зауваження та побажання. І дякуємо за безліч цікавих пропозицій. Ми всі їх читаємо з великою увагою. Багато ваших пропозицій вже втілено в наших моделях, і ми плануємо робити це і в майбутньому. Для нас головне – створювати моделі, які будуть цікаві Вам.
Ми створюємо для Вас.


  1. 时翔 4741

    Miniart! 你们好 我是来自中国的玩家,你们出品了很多优秀题材的模型,特别是二战军官轿车系列

    我希望你们能推出1/35 的 BMW_335_Cabriolet,_Bj._1939轿车


  2. Piotr 4740

    So far, no modeling company has made such a good movement as Mini Art with the addition of parts to the Pz III model. Chapeau bas! The Panzer III series is excellent. Also the German Kolibri helicopter is a great model. Keep it up!
    Piotr from Warsaw

  3. Geoff Potter 4578

    Hello Miniart,
    I am on a 1/35 narrow gauge railway modeller’s group, and we love all the detail kits you produce. Further sets of generic civilian figures (factory workers, office workers, shop staff, everyday folk, not villagers but average 1930s-40s people not specific to any particular country) would be very welcome, both by military and railway modellers. Railway modelling in 1/35 scale is growing as an interest, and your products are one of the factors helping to drive this. Best regards Geoff Potter, Australia

  4. Paul Alderson 4339

    I’m having major problems constructing your German shed (35509). I’ve watched related videos on how to construct MiniArt products but they don’t help with this particular kit. The instructions do not show enough details and appear to leave out parts that should be cut to fit. Is there a video for this particular kit please?

  5. Александр 4331

    Здравствуйте. Хотелось узнать будет разрабатываться у вас модель иракского танка (Энигма), который Ирак выпускал путем модернизации танка Т-55. Если да , то когда ждать модель.

  6. Yuriy 4111

    Take a look to Locomotive M62 in 35 scale for production, thats would be great

  7. Aidan 3922

    It’s kit manufacturers like you which inspired me to return to model-making by producing the kind of detail and accuracy which we never had 30 years ago. Your Dingo and AEC Mk.I are among my most loved kits. But British WW2 AFVs are still not as well covered (especially with accurate kits) as they should be, so can I make some suggestions for some kits?
    *A15 Crusader Mk.II or III
    *A27M Cromwell Mk.III
    *Cromwell ARV
    *A30 Challenger
    *Humber LRC
    *AEC Deacon
    *Terrapin amphibian
    I know, a lot to ask for! But even one of these would be amazing and much appreciated by British AFV fans.

  8. Robert wolfe 3796

    Hello miniart gonna love your what if series great stuff . Rob from Cleveland Ohio

  9. Bernhard 3675

    Top company. One of the best on the model market.
    Delivers spare parts very fast.
    I’m totally satisfied

  10. Richard 3672

    I would like to thank you for sending correcting parts for PzKpfw. III Ausf. B. I appreciate your customer-friendly attitude

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