
Liebe Modellbauer,

Vielen Dank für ihr großes Interesse an unseren Modellen. Wir hoffen, dass sie in unserer Produktpalette immer viel Interessantes finden. Für uns ist es immer eine Freude, Worte der Dankbarkeit und Anerkennung für unsere Produkte zu lesen. Aber natürlich ist es ebenso wichtig, auch kritische Bemerkungen aufmerksam zu lesen und ihre Wünsche zu kennen. Danke für die vielen interessanten Vorschläge – wir lesen sie alle mit großer Aufmerksamkeit. Viele ihrer Vorschläge haben wir bereits in unseren Modellen umgesetzt und wir planen dies auch in Zukunft zu tun. Vielen Dank für Ihre kreativen Vorschläge und Ideen. Unser Anliegen ist es, Modelle zu produzieren, die Sie interessieren. Wir produzieren für Modellbauer wie Sie.


  1. Corrado Laccetti 168729

    Dear Miniart, the German jerry cans are very well made. Product code: 35588

  2. Gordon 168728

    How can I order directly from you

  3. Frank Blanton 168726

    Love your range of 1/35 scale military and civilian subjects! Keep up the great work.

  4. S.M 168725

    Hello MiniArt, your new products for 2024 on a scale of 1:35 are great. Are you also planning models such as the Schwimmwagen, Kübelwagen, Steyr 1500 A and 2000 A and the Phenomenon Granit 1500 (with radio or sani case) along with the crew in the near future. Skfz.250 or Skfz would be great. 251 with crews dismounting or jumping off.

  5. M.Scholz 168724

    Hello Mini Art, the fact that the Opel Blitz 3t has been included in your program is great. Will there also be different variants such as mules, all-wheel drive, radio and medical cases, as well as various flatbed bodies with closed or half-open tarpaulins? Are you also planning a VW Type 82 or a Schwimmwagen with a crew in the near future? A Phenomenon Granit 1500 and a Steyr 1500 with radio or sani case would also be a gap in 1:35 that could be closed. Your military and civilian figures are among the best on the market. Hopefully my wish for a staff with vehicles in the medical sector behind the front with accessories will be realized.
    Thank you very much and the best for the future.

  6. Serhii Isaiev 168723

    И конечно же приятно удивили 2 БТР 4 Е)))ребята,вы красавчики)))

  7. Serhii Isaiev 168722

    Отличные новинки вы показали на ярмарке в Нюрнберге,особенно Опель Блитц,хотелось бы дальнейшего развития этой линейки,как с семейством ГАЗ

  8. Paul in Napier 168718

    Wow! 1/48 Junkers F 13!! Can’t wait for that one. So many great operators to choose from.

  9. Nyssen Fabrice 168715

    Hello Miniart, there are still a lot of US vehicles WW2 in the 1/35 catalog missing. You do a superb job and I think it would be beneficial for everyone to expand your collection.

    – U.S. WW2 Autocar U-7144-T & U-8144-T Tractor Trucks and trailers.
    – Diamond-T model 968
    – Diamond-T 969A
    – M5 High-Speed Tractor
    – Chevrolet M6 Bombe Service Truck with trailer
    – Chevrolet G7103 with trailer
    – M10 ammunition trailer
    – M17 trailer
    – Dodge WC53 Carryall
    – Dodge WC55
    – Dodge WC60
    – Dodge G505
    – GMC CCKW 353 Bolster Truck
    – Mack NO
    – Mack NR
    – Ward la France


  10. Corrado 168714

    I sincerely hope that the bastard Russian troops stay away from Ukrainian companies: Miniart, ICM models and Masterbox Limited and its employees. I really want to continue my hobby with your models. Corrado Italy

    1. Paul in Napier 168717

      Agree! I also can’t watch any video where they use Quinta / Zvezda or Begemot any more.

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