Guest Book

Dear modelers,

  Thanks a lot for such big interest to our models. We hope that You always find a lot of interesting for You in our products. For us it is always pleasant to read the works of gratitude to our company. And of course, it is very important for us to read all your critical remarks and wishes. And thank You for a lot of interesting suggestions. We read all of them with great attention. Many of your proposes have already embodied in our models and we plan to do this future too. Thanks a lot for such creative union. The main thing for us is to produce the models which will be interesting for You.
We create for You.


  1. Dimas 72

    Dear Sir,
    I found your site very informative and nice designed. I will offer to you to join my European Military History sites at
    I think your site must be included to our list because you have useful information.
    Also our forum opened for new friends . Here is the thread about recovered tanks and aircrafts from Eastern front
    With best regards,

  2. Николай Лещинский 71

    Спасибо за хорошие модели!
    Пусть их будет больше.

  3. Bencze Imre 70

    Разрешите обратить Ваше внимание на сайт "", где я как раз сегодня встретил прекрасные идеи на возможные темы диорам от господина Олега Менькова; Ростов-на-Дону, Россия в области окоп, полевых фортификаций, итд. Стоило бы обдумать. Вакуумная техника просто идеально для этого. Если да, заранее благодарен. Жду Ваших новостей.
    Imre Bencze

  4. Bob Johnson 69

    Great figures, well animated. Great T-70's anf 76mm guns too. How about some BT-7's or some T-26's?
    I can't wait for the next soviet WW2 sets to come out!

  5. Orestis Panteloglou 68

    THANK YOU!!!!!
    Your figure kits for Soviet Tankers and Infantry, are an unique an very interestisng issue!!! I personally have fed up with the Germans (soldier and Tankers), an now at last I have something different in my show case!!!! Keep up the good work!!!

  6. wolak andre 67

    Modeles d une grande finesse figurines un must bonne continuation

  7. t4besttime 66

    I will wait new dioramas 36001 and 36002 to my house. I think that new line "Dioramas" will have fantastic new models and 35512 THE CORNER DIORAMA BASE must be in that line too.

  8. Rodney 65

    Very great models. very nice dioramas. I like new 35041 figurines. Visit my blog about plastic model.

  9. Eric Delbrouck 64

    Trиs beau site bien structurй,
    Les produits proposйs sont de trиs bonne qualitй. Je construit en ce moment la "French farmyard", un rйel plaisir pour le maquettiste que je suis, а un prix trиs abordable. Merci MiniArt pour toutes ces belles rйalisations !!!

  10. Валет 63

    Знаете что вам нехватает, это разнообразии в выботре декалей. В тех же рыцарях всего лишь один вариант, как большинство компании стараются предложить хотя бы 2-3 варианта. Поверьте, это будет интереснее для моделистов. собрать скажем трех английских рыцарей в разной символикой и даже рс разным оружием.

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