Guest Book

Dear modelers,

  Thanks a lot for such big interest to our models. We hope that You always find a lot of interesting for You in our products. For us it is always pleasant to read the works of gratitude to our company. And of course, it is very important for us to read all your critical remarks and wishes. And thank You for a lot of interesting suggestions. We read all of them with great attention. Many of your proposes have already embodied in our models and we plan to do this future too. Thanks a lot for such creative union. The main thing for us is to produce the models which will be interesting for You.
We create for You.


  1. Миша 187

    А вы можете выпустить какой-нибудь советский БТР?

  2. Вячеслав 186

    Еще одна тема для 16 масштаба – Крымская война 1854-56гг. Зуавы и Легкая бригада на ихней родине пойдут на ура, да и нам какойнибудь минский полк перепадет. А браты Шереметьевы, думаю, поддержат.

  3. Laurent 185

    Can you make figures and buildings in 1/48 ? Tanks !

  4. Вячеслав 184

    Будут ли советские пехотинцы/ морпехи/ артиллеристы… в 16-м масштабе? Да и тема казачества ни кем не затронута

  5. Александр 183

    Хотелось бы видеть в ассортименте и модели руин современных зданий.

  6. Michael S. 182

    Thank you for their very good work in things model construction. Their models fulfill the conceptions of many model construction friends those not necessarily to combat scenes to place behind want, but dear everyday life situations in front proximity or crew areas to represent. Perhaps you have to extend thought about it your model offer by the following offers e.g. traffic signs, signpost/guide, well, crates, tool hand truck, bicycles, civil vehicles ect. Simply which otherwise in roads, villages and cities was present. In addition it would be to be taken up super civilians to your figure offer. Please make further in such a way Yours sincerely M.S B5

  7. Jose "Pepe" Martinez 181

    Great job. Fresh air to 1/35 military scale figurines.

  8. scott 180

    The products are superb the detailing is excellent, my only negative is that you have nopainting chart with basic paint colours for the beginner this would be most helpful.

  9. simon mifsud 179

    Dear modelart good job finnally some fresh idea keep it up ,i would to see furniture and decals for german helmets .

  10. Михаил 178

    Просмотрел сборку и окраску здания. Респект! Предлагаю Вам выпустить диск, как фирма MIG по применению своих пигментов и добавить туда еще окраску и тонировку техники и фигур, а то на форумах только словеса, с как конкретно делать и кистью махать не увидишь.
    И ещё, планируется ли выпуск орудия ЗИС-2 начального периода войны, а то Ваше образца 43-го.

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