Guest Book

Dear modelers,

  Thanks a lot for such big interest to our models. We hope that You always find a lot of interesting for You in our products. For us it is always pleasant to read the works of gratitude to our company. And of course, it is very important for us to read all your critical remarks and wishes. And thank You for a lot of interesting suggestions. We read all of them with great attention. Many of your proposes have already embodied in our models and we plan to do this future too. Thanks a lot for such creative union. The main thing for us is to produce the models which will be interesting for You.
We create for You.


  1. Niall 168578

    Hope you are all safe and keeping the invaders at bay. Good luck from London. Slava Ukraini!

  2. James Toseland 168577

    Resist the invader. Stay safe Ukraine. Fuck Putin.

  3. terry duda 168576

    thinking of you and your family’s and the whole country,all my best and love you you all.

  4. Laurent Prémel 168575

    Hi all,
    aside being a great fan of your products, I just pass by to wish you and your loved ones to go as best as possible through those dire times.
    Justice will prevail.

  5. Soumoy 168574

    Une pensée à l’Ukraine.
    Courage…courage à vous.

  6. Jogie 168572

    We stand with you.
    FCK Putin

  7. Tom 168571

    Since the invasion my model club will not buy Russian or Chinese models and I will not review them for Fine Scale. May God help the people of Ukraine

  8. Perry 168570

    Best wishes & solidarity. We wish all the best for you, your families, & loved ones. May the world return to normalcy soon!

    Our love.

  9. graham taylor 168569

    I’ve been buying your kits , people, petrol pumps, garage benches, roads signs for my Scalextric, you guys are amazing. I watch the TV daily with tears in my eyes and just cannot understand how and why this is happening. Please please keep safe we are all with you in the UK.

  10. Jens 168568

    Liebes Miniart-Team, liebe ukrainische Freunde,
    Ich kann mir nicht vorstellen, was ihr im Moment durchstehen müsst und welche Sorgen euch plagen. Ich hoffe, dass ihr die russische Aggression zurückschlagen könnt und das ukrainische Volk endlich wieder in Frieden leben darf. Seid euch sicher, dass die ganze Welt an eurer Seite steht und ihr für immer Teil der demokratischen, europäischen Familie seid.
    Ich wünsche euch, euren Familien und dem ukrainischen Volk alles Gute.
    Viele, liebe Grüße, Jens

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