Guest Book

Dear modelers,

  Thanks a lot for such big interest to our models. We hope that You always find a lot of interesting for You in our products. For us it is always pleasant to read the works of gratitude to our company. And of course, it is very important for us to read all your critical remarks and wishes. And thank You for a lot of interesting suggestions. We read all of them with great attention. Many of your proposes have already embodied in our models and we plan to do this future too. Thanks a lot for such creative union. The main thing for us is to produce the models which will be interesting for You.
We create for You.


  1. Roberto Nizzola 168775

    Vintage figurines and civilian vehicles kits are beautiful, accurate and detailed, develop them further.
    A further suggestion: if I were you, I would also develop two other historical lines that are not very present on the market but very sought after:
    1. Indian Wars XVII century, American Revolution, American Civil War
    2. WW1
    However, excellent products and to be recommended

  2. Ken Swanson 168774

    I was wondering if there is a hard copy available of the catalogue to purchase or for free

  3. 王富民 168773


  4. Douglas Street 168772

    Great products, keep developing more.

  5. Corrrado Laccetti 168771

    Happy New Year to all of you.

  6. David Hawkins 168770

    Have you thought about producing the Ukraine bts-4 with 12 tonne crane produced in 2020 by ukrobotonprom. I think it would be very popular and you could borrow parts from the trumpeter 1/35 brem-1 for the crane. I know that you must be very busy at the moment but it is just a thought. Regards

  7. Renato J Marques 168767

    I would like to thank Miniart for bringing a P-47 with the color scheme and insignia of the 1st Brazilian Fighter Squadron, which operated in Italy during WWII, with the best results in Europe at the end of the conflict. I am very excited to build this kit.

  8. denis 168765

    i have a trouble with a link of panzer IV tracks, for the first link of all sprues. Miniart sent me replacement sprues and connectors quickly. i’am very glad about their service and of course of theirs models. long life to them 🙂

  9. Ioane Guliashvili 168764

    IS-2 with full interior is a must

  10. Anth Q 168763

    I just completed my first Miniart kit. The Austin Armoured car in Freikorps service. Intricate build and the extra rivets seemed like overkill but amazing engineering. I also had a great interaction with customer service.

    Highly recommend.

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